Have your say on College Avenue water treatment works security fencing

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Consultation has concluded

Following your feedback at our College Avenue Water Treatment Works open day in March, we know that the colour and type of security fencing are key issues.

Although most security measures are dictated to us by Defra-accredited security experts, we can give you choice on the style and colour of the fencing we install.

We are limited to offering two styles of fencing and two different colours: black and green.

We have included examples of the fencing below here and we invite you to have your say via our poll on the right side of this page, picking the option and colour you would wish to see.

Option 1: pictured in black and green

Option 2: Palisade fencing, pictured below in black, but available in black or green:

You will have until Thursday, 11 July to cast your vote on your preferred fencing style and colour.

Once the deadline has passed, we will let you know the final result.

If you have any questions relating to the fencing, take a look at our FAQs at the right side of this page.

We will continue to keep you updated on the progress of our project on our dedicated web page and via our regular newsletter.

We would like to thank you for your feedback to date on our work and look forward to continuing to work with you to deliver this important project on site.

Please cast your vote using the poll on the right side of the page.

Following your feedback at our College Avenue Water Treatment Works open day in March, we know that the colour and type of security fencing are key issues.

Although most security measures are dictated to us by Defra-accredited security experts, we can give you choice on the style and colour of the fencing we install.

We are limited to offering two styles of fencing and two different colours: black and green.

We have included examples of the fencing below here and we invite you to have your say via our poll on the right side of this page, picking the option and colour you would wish to see.

Option 1: pictured in black and green

Option 2: Palisade fencing, pictured below in black, but available in black or green:

You will have until Thursday, 11 July to cast your vote on your preferred fencing style and colour.

Once the deadline has passed, we will let you know the final result.

If you have any questions relating to the fencing, take a look at our FAQs at the right side of this page.

We will continue to keep you updated on the progress of our project on our dedicated web page and via our regular newsletter.

We would like to thank you for your feedback to date on our work and look forward to continuing to work with you to deliver this important project on site.

Please cast your vote using the poll on the right side of the page.