Hale to Aldershot mains

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Consultation has concluded

To strengthen our network and future-proof our drinking water supplies, we are planning to invest more than £2 million laying around four kilometres of pipeline between Hale and Aldershot.

We will be installing new pipework predominantly in private land, although there will be some work in Sandy Hill Road, Bourley Road and Farnborough Road (up to the junction with Pennefather's Road).

We are still in the planning stages of the work and will shortly be submitting a planning application, accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment, to Rushmoor Borough Council and Waverley Borough Council. We currently anticipate construction to start from April 2024, with the project expected to take approximately 12 months to complete.

The construction work will be phased, with Sandy Hill Road to be closed in sections as we lay new water main along the road, before crossing into private land.

Access will be maintained for recreational use at all times, with minor diversions in place when required. We are working with landowners, managers and regulators to ensure the right environmental mitigation is in place.

We will also be working in Farnborough Road and Bourley Road, with traffic management in place during this time. This will include two-way traffic lights in Bourley Road, while we will soon be undertaking trial holes in Farnborough Road to determine the safest method in which to undertake these works.

Work within Ministry of Defence Land, which includes part of the Bourley and Long Valley Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area, will commence in September 2024, with the project due to be completed by the end of March 2025.

Following on from our drop-in event at the Hale Community Centre in September, we have now submitted our planning applications for the project to Rushmoor and Waverley Borough Councils.

We are continuing our discussions with Surrey County Council over the likely impact on parking when work is due to take place in Sandy Hill Road.

Our intention is to carry out our work in small sections between various junctions along Sandy Hill Road, to allow for the ease of access for residents and to limit the number of parking spaces affected.

Discussions are also ongoing over the impact on buses in Upper Hale as we look to maintain a service for residents in the Sandy Hill Road estate.

To strengthen our network and future-proof our drinking water supplies, we are planning to invest more than £2 million laying around four kilometres of pipeline between Hale and Aldershot.

We will be installing new pipework predominantly in private land, although there will be some work in Sandy Hill Road, Bourley Road and Farnborough Road (up to the junction with Pennefather's Road).

We are still in the planning stages of the work and will shortly be submitting a planning application, accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment, to Rushmoor Borough Council and Waverley Borough Council. We currently anticipate construction to start from April 2024, with the project expected to take approximately 12 months to complete.

The construction work will be phased, with Sandy Hill Road to be closed in sections as we lay new water main along the road, before crossing into private land.

Access will be maintained for recreational use at all times, with minor diversions in place when required. We are working with landowners, managers and regulators to ensure the right environmental mitigation is in place.

We will also be working in Farnborough Road and Bourley Road, with traffic management in place during this time. This will include two-way traffic lights in Bourley Road, while we will soon be undertaking trial holes in Farnborough Road to determine the safest method in which to undertake these works.

Work within Ministry of Defence Land, which includes part of the Bourley and Long Valley Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area, will commence in September 2024, with the project due to be completed by the end of March 2025.

Following on from our drop-in event at the Hale Community Centre in September, we have now submitted our planning applications for the project to Rushmoor and Waverley Borough Councils.

We are continuing our discussions with Surrey County Council over the likely impact on parking when work is due to take place in Sandy Hill Road.

Our intention is to carry out our work in small sections between various junctions along Sandy Hill Road, to allow for the ease of access for residents and to limit the number of parking spaces affected.

Discussions are also ongoing over the impact on buses in Upper Hale as we look to maintain a service for residents in the Sandy Hill Road estate.

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Hale to Aldershot mains

over 1 year

We are planning to invest more than £2 million laying around four kilometres of pipeline between Hale and Aldershot.

We will be installing new pipework predominantly in private land and footpaths, although there will be some work in Sandy Hill Road, Bourley Road and Farnborough Road (up to the junction with Pennefather's Road) at different stages of the project.

Work is currently planned to start in April 2024 and the project is expected to take approximately 12 months to complete, in different phases.

If you have any questions on the project you can raise them by putting pins on our map, or sending an email to community@southeastwater.co.uk.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.